Monday, November 10, 2008
That effect you're worried about? Let's call it static electricity, as the cat walks by, OK?
Stop praying to your mother, beret guy, she belongs to the stars and beyond, believe me ...
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Once again people, none of you speak for me or represent me . Technically, both candidates are liars. No punishment from me, but karma is part of the program, so I'm sure the universe that you are part of will introduce some kind of divine retributions.
As William Shakespeare wrote,
A plague on both your houses!"
Monday, September 22, 2008
More on the dud
Imagine, if you will, the blackest black that you can ever imagine. I mean a black so black, nothing shiny or reflective, we're talking void. That is a black hole - that's not what happened. What happened was the complete opposite. It's called a white hole. No, not that. Listen up fellows, I'm Almighty God, I made The Universe, have you heard of it? When a black hole happens, it's just matter and energy reverting to the state they existed before my pinky finger slammed down on the ENTER key.
The Universe, or your universe, is all about inflation. There is this infinitesimal amount of energy that expanded like the biggest nuclear explosion to happen within its own void. The energy then re-organized itself, becoming different types of mass, becoming energy again, then mass, it's trying to get back to it's original form. Black holes are actually part of a FOR ... NEXT loop I wrote. All matter, light, etcetera, that escapes the Universe and falls inside, reverting back to its original form, goes back to beginning of the Universe, and is recycled again.
Back to a White Hole. Actually, one may call it a "white universe". What happens is the Universe expands BUT it doesn't turn into anything interesting. It's one uninteresting soupy mess that has no depth, no color, just an uninteresting huge bag of hot nothing. Just sits there in your living room den like a lumpy bag of overcooked grits. Off to the basement!
Another dud for the basement
On a lighter note, I completed my new Universe project, switched it on ...pffft! Another dud for the basement.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Closer To The Truth Than You May Think (Or Want To Believe)
The Accomplishment:
There's plenty of controversy surrounding certain parts of the Bible, (where are the dinosaurs?), but most can agree that the Ten Commandments make some good points: killing is wrong, stealing is wrong, and weekends are for sleeping.
When the whole world was presumably murdering whoever they wanted and coveting the shit out of anything that crossed their paths, Moses was the one who God deemed suitable enough to pass his commandments onto. So, one day in... Biblical times, an audience gathered and politely waited while Moses met with God on the top of Mount Sinai to discuss the rules that we still use today, (or are, at the very least, aware of).
The Drug:
Drugs weren't invented yesterday, you know. In fact, they grow right up out of the ground, all on their own. The area surrounding Mt Sinai, for example, was home to two common psychedelic drugs and, according to a 2008 Time and Mind article written by Benny Shanon, a professor at Jerusalem's Hebrew University, psychedelic mushrooms and other mind-altering substances played a huge role in the religious rites of Israelites during Biblical times.
While it would be irresponsible of us to assume Moses was drugged up based solely on the fact that drugs were both acceptable and available at the time, Professor Shanon maintains that the scene described in Exodus, (involving blaring trumpets, bright lighting and thunder), fits the "classic imaginings of people on drugs" and further that "the seeing of light [that occurs in hallucinations] is accompanied by profound religious and spiritual feelings."
Why It Makes Sense:
The evidence isn't completely conclusive, but a closer look at our choices leads to a fairly obvious answer. Either:
1. God visited Moses and decided that he was the perfect spokesman for his commandments, (despite Moses's total lack of previous experience in the supernatural-commandment-liaison department), and all of Moses's friends and family believed him when he said "God spoke to me" and instantly stopped coveting shit.
2. A group of extremely bored Israelites ate a bunch of easily-accessible mushrooms and imagined a bunch of crazy shit.
"Is anybody else freaking out a little bit?"
It was thousands of years ago. No Internet, no TV. There wasn't much to do other than eat plants, particularly when those plants led to conversations with God. It doesn't take a college professor to figure this one out, (although, technically, it did this time).
Still, this is a pretty huge deal. Everyone wants to say how dangerous it is to use psychedelic drugs, but Moses takes a few and comes up with a set of morally sound rules that have held up for thousands of years and, for some, serves as a reason not to murder the guy in front of you who's taking an annoyingly long time at the ATM.
Before You Go Trying It...
There's a really good chance that eating random mushrooms you find on the ground will kill your ass.
Also, we don't think we're speaking out of turn here when we point out how sloppy and half-assed the Ten Commandments are. If you're going to create a system of unchangeable rules meant to govern large groups of people, you might want to think "manual" instead of a "grocery list."
"We should be good with just this, right guys?"
Something with a FAQ page at least. "What about murdering in self defense? And what if your neighbor's wife is really hot? Do two Commandments cancel each other out? Can I murder my hot neighbor's stupid husband?"
Like most stoners (take for instance the ones in Pineapple Express, a movie you should totally see), Moses was probably too lazy to do all that extra work so he just sort of summarized, but the rest of us can agree that it would've been nice to have those answers.
This article completely lifted from website at
And not to put too fina point on this point let's let the late Mister George Carlin have the last word shall, we?
Monday, July 14, 2008
More on the New Universe Project
The End Of The World Is Not Coming ... Soon
Don't pray or curse me.
Invoke the Universe, okay?
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The story of Sa'ul Part Three (Recovery)
The Galilean henchmen quenched poor Sa'ul's thirst, dressed his wounds, fed him, constructed a canvas sling with a tent-like structure upon it to protect Sa'ul from the hot sun, then moved on to Damascus. They rebuffed inquiries from strangers along the way who was in the stretcher. They entered towns in the evening, stayed only at domiciles where the households asked no questions of them but supplied them with beds and provisions, and left before the dawn. Phillip The Hellene knew of a fellow Hellene in Damascus named Ananias who was purported to be schooled in the medical arts. Upon arrival at Damascus and at Ananias's domicile, Sa'ul rested and recuperated, and thought deeply but pragmatically of his adventures, travails and misfortunes. During his recuperation under Ananias's care, he had his Galileans bring any and all news of the followers of the new Jewish Messianic sect and discovered there were, lo, many,many such sects, each with their own story of a Messiah, some dating back more than a century. Sa'ul took to collecting, and writing down all these tales. In the weeks that followed, Sa'ul decided to embrace his former enemies, then take revenge, first you join them, then beat them at their own game.
(more to come, in my good time)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Progress on the new universe project
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The story of Sa'ul Part Part Two (travels)
Sa'ul sold his possessions, purchased a berth on a trading ship, endured an eventless passage to Tyre, disembarked, gained a place on an armed merchant caravan . At Ceasarea Phillipi, he left the caravan, followed the river south by himself to the once great Lake Semechimitis, rested at its shores and hired the services of some local fishermen to be his companions and bodyguards. They took their boats, sailed across the lake further south, down the river, to The Sea Of Galilee to the city of Capernum. During their stay, they learned the stories coming up from Jerusalem of the fate of one Nazarene, named Yeshua ben Yosef.
Yes, I know, this is all a rather ho-hum, laundry list of places.
Tell you what, I'll skip the biblical listing travelogue and get to the meat of the story.
Eventually Sa'ul and his party meet up with King Herod and local Pharisees, and he learns of the "troubles" they're having with a new sect of troublesome Jews and Gentiles that was led by a recently crucified Nazarene. Sa'ul and his crew pledge to round up and eliminate the troublemakers. They skulk around, hire spies, bust heads, torture and kill a few innocents, all to impress Herod and the Pharisees, and prove he's worthy to marry Adi, the King's daughter. Herod is impressed, but since Sa'ul is still some petite bourgeois from Tarsus, the best the King can offer is a commission and arrange a meet between Adi and Sa'ul. A party is held in Sa'ul's honor, for his accomplishments in "ridding" the troublesome sect. Adi meets Sa'ul, and spurns him big time. This hurts Sa'ul, ego-wise, and he sees no reason to stick around, and decides to try his luck in Syria, leaves his own party and goes it alone on the road to Damascus. Bad move.
Several hours after he's left the party, his entourage of Galilean thugs sober up enough to notice he's gone. They panic, and try to ascertain his whereabouts. Sa'ul's enemies get wind of the situation and plan to ambush him. They disguise themselves as a caravan, find Sa'ul and offer him sanctuary of their company. Sa'ul agrees and travels to Damascus with the caravan. After a long uneventful journey, several miles outside of Ceasarea Phillipi, the caravan reveals themselves as kinsmen of the people Sa'ul's gang had tortured and killed and accused as followers of the Nazarene Messiah. They beat him mercilessly, robbed him and stripped him of his clothes and left him to die. Sa'ul's pals discover him three days later, barely alive and delirious from thirst, his eyelids sealed shut from the beating.
(to be continued ... very soon)
No apologies
Friday, January 4, 2008
The story of Sa'ul Part One
Sa'ul heard from a seafarer that a Jewish King named Herod had an unmarried daughter, her name was Adi (for some reason, she is popularly known as to you all as Salome), and Herod was looking for a suitor. Sa'ul did not have much to offer in riches, and his Greek and Roman connections were confined to his own small corner of the world, but he did have chutzpah, in spades. Sa'ul decided he would depart Tarsus, see this King Herod, curry his favor and secure the hand of the fair Adi.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Spinning around a star - whoopee
A mere suggestion:
A plan to live - respect yourself, respect others, respect your surroundings.
But it is not written in stone.