Saturday, December 29, 2007

If you must have faith and if you gotta' pray

I do not like to noodle with Universes while they are running because it cocks up the programming. One misplaced integer, a vibrating string in the wrong place, an element that shouldn't have happened, not even for the tiniest fraction of existence, and you have a soupy gassy mess cluttering up your den. This Universe is my best creation, but any intervention on my part, well, it may turn out to be, "it was nice while it lasted".

I am going to impart a gift to many of you. Many already know and do this. I am going to fill in the rest of you. It is a way to ask for help without invoking my name when you do not have faith in your own self. Call on The Universe. You are part of The Universe not separate or a better part. Channel the vibrations that run the program. Hum, throat-sing, pray, fart, cluck your tongue, knock together bottles and cans - but leave me out. When you are in tune with all the other strings, the experience is beyond elegance, it is ... true rapture.

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