Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The story of Sa'ul Part Part Two (travels)

Sa'ul sold his possessions, purchased a berth on a trading ship, endured an eventless passage to Tyre, disembarked, gained a place on an armed merchant caravan . At Ceasarea Phillipi, he left the caravan, followed the river south by himself to the once great Lake Semechimitis, rested at its shores and hired the services of some local fishermen to be his companions and bodyguards. They took their boats, sailed across the lake further south, down the river, to The Sea Of Galilee to the city of Capernum. During their stay, they learned the stories coming up from Jerusalem of the fate of one Nazarene, named Yeshua ben Yosef.

Yes, I know, this is all a rather ho-hum, laundry list of places.
Tell you what, I'll skip the biblical listing travelogue and get to the meat of the story.

Eventually Sa'ul and his party meet up with King Herod and local Pharisees, and he learns of the "troubles" they're having with a new sect of troublesome Jews and Gentiles that was led by a recently crucified Nazarene. Sa'ul and his crew pledge to round up and eliminate the troublemakers. They skulk around, hire spies, bust heads, torture and kill a few innocents, all to impress Herod and the Pharisees, and prove he's worthy to marry Adi, the King's daughter. Herod is impressed, but since Sa'ul is still some petite bourgeois from Tarsus, the best the King can offer is a commission and arrange a meet between Adi and Sa'ul. A party is held in Sa'ul's honor, for his accomplishments in "ridding" the troublesome sect. Adi meets Sa'ul, and spurns him big time. This hurts Sa'ul, ego-wise, and he sees no reason to stick around, and decides to try his luck in Syria, leaves his own party and goes it alone on the road to Damascus. Bad move.

Several hours after he's left the party, his entourage of Galilean thugs sober up enough to notice he's gone. They panic, and try to ascertain his whereabouts. Sa'ul's enemies get wind of the situation and plan to ambush him. They disguise themselves as a caravan, find Sa'ul and offer him sanctuary of their company. Sa'ul agrees and travels to Damascus with the caravan. After a long uneventful journey, several miles outside of Ceasarea Phillipi, the caravan reveals themselves as kinsmen of the people Sa'ul's gang had tortured and killed and accused as followers of the Nazarene Messiah. They beat him mercilessly, robbed him and stripped him of his clothes and left him to die. Sa'ul's pals discover him three days later, barely alive and delirious from thirst, his eyelids sealed shut from the beating.

(to be continued ... very soon)

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