Sunday, July 13, 2008

The story of Sa'ul Part Three (Recovery)

The Galilean henchmen quenched poor Sa'ul's thirst, dressed his wounds, fed him, constructed a canvas sling with a tent-like structure upon it to protect Sa'ul from the hot sun, then moved on to Damascus. They rebuffed inquiries from strangers along the way who was in the stretcher. They entered towns in the evening, stayed only at domiciles where the households asked no questions of them but supplied them with beds and provisions, and left before the dawn. Phillip The Hellene knew of a fellow Hellene in Damascus named Ananias who was purported to be schooled in the medical arts. Upon arrival at Damascus and at Ananias's domicile, Sa'ul rested and recuperated, and thought deeply but pragmatically of his adventures, travails and misfortunes. During his recuperation under Ananias's care, he had his Galileans bring any and all news of the followers of the new Jewish Messianic sect and discovered there were, lo, many,many such sects, each with their own story of a Messiah, some dating back more than a century. Sa'ul took to collecting, and writing down all these tales. In the weeks that followed, Sa'ul decided to embrace his former enemies, then take revenge, first you join them, then beat them at their own game.

(more to come, in my good time)

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